Hello there. We’re Alex and Dani, and we’re seriously nerdy about a lot of stuff.

Every mistake we made trying to get to Naboo
Dani Iglesias Dani Iglesias

Every mistake we made trying to get to Naboo

When we decided to visit Northern Italy on vacation, one destination ranked at the top of our list: Villa del Balbianello, the filming location for the Palace of Naboo in the Star Wars films. But getting there was more difficult than we expected.

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Top 5 yums and yucks from getting nerdy in Vegas
Alex Foster Alex Foster

Top 5 yums and yucks from getting nerdy in Vegas

Once we were heavily vaccinated and boosted, Dani and I decided to sneak away to Las Vegas, once with her bestie, and then again on our own. Both trips had their own delights and bummers, but we left much wiser (and not too much poorer).

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5 signs you might be living a Christmas movie
Alex Foster Alex Foster

5 signs you might be living a Christmas movie

Let’s jump to straight brass tacks here. For Christmas this year, since we didn’t go anywhere with COVID doing its own Black Friday sales, we watched a lot of Christmas movies. And I mean a LOT.

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Dough or do not: my annual gingerbread tries
Dani Iglesias Dani Iglesias

Dough or do not: my annual gingerbread tries

I’ve fallen into the habit of creating gingerbread concoctions of increasing difficulty every holiday season. I don’t think there’s a rehab for this type of thing, but now it’s bordering on addiction.

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