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A little disclaimer, while we have you here. Seriously Nerdy is a fan blog in every sense of the term. It’s operated with the best of intentions by two sole authors. This blog is made available for entertainment purposes, not to provide specific recommendations or advice. We do not officially endorse and cannot guarantee any products, techniques or services we may write about, nor have we been compensated in any way for the coverage we provide. This blog may leverage copyrighted images from films and entertainment that are the property of their respective owners. The images are leveraged here as part of Fair Use for the purposes of commentary and parody only. Additionally, the views and opinions outlined in Seriously Nerdy are our own, and may not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of our respective employers. By reading this blog, you understand that we are in no way responsible for actions you take because of something you read here. If you have any concerns with the content, we encourage you to reach out to us. We believe in you. Make good choices.